Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Ain't no mountain high enough . . .

From the top of Mt. Hood (11,249 ft) at the starting line for the Hood to Coast relay, Teri and I paused for a quick photo opportunity. Even though we were on opposing teams for this race at the end of the day we were still Impalas - which came in handy when my team ran into difficulties at exchange 24 - sure was great to see a familiar face.

Until next year . . .

Posted by Shaluinn - Hood to Coast rookie, no more

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Welcome to Impalas, Run!

Impalas, Run!, the official blog of the Impala Racing Team intended to provide frequent and fun posts from your fellow teammates that give you a peek into what it means to be part of the Impalas. Stay tuned for posts that reveal what lies between the lines of those race results, weekly updates on the good times at GGP and Kezar, and just when you thought it might be getting boring, we might even get an update from that famous South Bay Van.

Lastly, Impalas, this is your story, written by you and for you. So if you wanna blog send your post to impalasrun@gmail.com

Posted by Shaluinn - Impala since '03, Blogger since '05